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210-2201025-03 ISUZU CYZ51/FVR34 cardan shaft crosshead Maz Kamaz Kraz 1373000820 53205-2205025-01 4310-2205025-04 D=50*155

Product Code: 000000208
Availability: In Stock
696.00 грн.
Price when ordering from 2 pcs. 652.50 грн.
Diameter 50 мм
Height 155 мм
Material Steel
Equipment brand ISUZU
Producing country Japan
SKU 4310-2205025-02
ОЕМ 1373000820
Brand: GMB
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Tags: 4310-2205025-04, 53205-2205025-01, 210-2201025-03, cardan shaft crosshead, KAMAZ crosshead, crosshead ISUZU cardan shaft, 1373000820 ISUZU crosshead shaft, 1373000820, crosshead on 1373000820, crosshead of the drive shaft 137300088 S68, cross 1373000820